19 MAY 1855, Page 9

The Gazette of last night contains a despatch from Lord

Raglan to the Minister of War, dated May 5. The only fact of interest, not anti- cipated by other statements, is that the RW3SiallS Still appeared to be col- lecting troops on the high ground over the Tchernaya, near Sebastopol Lord Raglan laments the death of three promising young officers, Lieutenants Carter of the Royal Engineers, Curtis of the 46th, and White of the 62d Regiments." There were, from the 30th April to the 3d May, inclusive, 7 men killed, 37 wounded.

A letter from Balaklava, dated May 5, mentions that the sea expedi- tion had sailed on the 4th. A message from Varna to Vienna says that "the expedition to Kertch has not been renewed" ; which would seem to confirm Prince Gortsehakoff's despatch.