19 MAY 1860, Page 10

According to information from Vienna, Austria, Prussia, and England are

agreed on the new Russo-Turkish question. If there is to be an in- quiry into the state of Christians in Turkey, it must be based on the re- ports of all the powers and not on those of one alone. What will the Government of Austria do next? The following tele- gram from Trieste, May 18th, would make one believe the Viennese Go- vernment capable of any folly :— "In consequence of orders received from Vienna, our central maritime government will in a few days address a circular to all foreign consuls re- specting the treatment of vessels belonging to any port of the Italian countries annexed to Piedmont. As regards merchant vessels belonging to a port of the former Sardinian monarchy, as it was constituted by the treaties of 1815, they will be admitted without difficulty to the ports of Austria under the Sardinian tricolour flag. Vessels, however, belonging to Tuscany, to the legations, or to any other country annexed to Piedmont, will have to strike the tricolour flag before entering an Austrian port, and may never hoist it during their stay in Austria. With the exception of this restriction, all these vessels will be at liberty to pursue their commercial operations, and will enjoy the same treatment as all other foreign flags which have been officially recognized."