19 MAY 1860, Page 10



The continual decline on the Paris Bourse, amounting at times almost to a panic, has kept the Markets on this side in a constant state of excitement, quotations experiencing a fall all round. English Securities have been ac- tive, although the tendency has been downwards. Consols from 95f 951 on Saturday last, were pressed by speculative sales to 941 94f, making 941 to- day. There has been rather more business doing, but in the present un- certain state of affairs in general, operations are limited, few of a bona fide character taking place. Of course the Markets have been influenced by a succession of conflicting telegraphic statements, which, however, have not aftany time had any very serious effect. Theexcitement on the Paris Bourse has been to a much greater extent, the fall in Rentes up to this afternoon equalling 21 per cent. Consols have varied today between 941 1 941 94i and 94 941, closing at the latter quotation ; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 9Z 93; India Five per Cent, 1061 1061 ; Commis for Money, 94a 941.

Prices in the Foreign Stook Market are considerably flatter, but business has not by any means been extensive. Mexican, 20f 21, Peruvian Four- and-a-Half per Cent, 91 93; Peruvian Three per Cents, 69 71 ; Buenos Ayres, 85 87; Ditto Three per Cents, 24 25; Buenos Ayres Shares have been from the state of the market forced up to al 4 prem. 'Venezuela, 25 26; Grenada Active, 15 16; Ditto Deferred, 41 41; Chilian Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 8587; Ditto Three per Cent, 7072; Brazilian, 9091. At the close today there is a somewhat better tone, but quotations do not as yet show any material improvement. Russian, 117 119; Portuguese, 44 45 ; Spanish rather inactive, leaving off 461 471; Victor Emmanuel dull, 9596; rurkish Securities have been especially heavy, the Old Six per Cent being now 74 741, and the New Ditto, 5758. Money has been rather dear in this market. The Railway Share Markets have undergone a good deal of fluctuation, in some cases to a severe extent. At the close this afternoon, however, there is a slight rally, the Markets generally not presenting that heavy appear- ance which has been witnessed the last few days. In the heavy descrip- tion of stocks and shares, the recovery is more apparent, but figures show a material decline upon those of last week. Lancashire and Yorkshire, 102 1021 ; Midland, 1151 116; Great Western, 671 67k; London andNorth Western, 99/ Val ; London and South Western, 921 93; Caledonians have been 881 89; but are now 891 90; London and Brighton flat, 1121 1131; Great Northern, 113 115; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 401- 411 ; North British, 601 611; Chester and Holyhead, 54 511; Berwick, 05 951. The settlement passed off on the 16th very satisfactorily. Foreign Railway Shares, are dull and heavy, especially as might be ex- pected in the French description :—Paris and Lyons, now quoted ex. div. close, 33f 331; Paris and Strasbourg, 23 24; Northern of France, 371 38; Lombardo-Venetian have had a severe fall, having declined to 1 dis. the quotation is ex. div. ; Indian Shares dull, East Indian, 1001 1011; Great Indian Peninsula, 981 991; Madras, 971 981; Bombay and Baroda, 951 961. The Market for Joint Stock Banks has been quiet this week, some quota- tions showing a slight improvement ; City, 73 75; London and Joint Stock, 33 34; Oriental, 41/ 421; London and Westminster, 61 63' Union, 25 26. The New Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance Company's Shares (not yet allotted) are at 111 prem.


Less apprehension with regard to the ultimate results of the present European complications, has given a better tone to the markets all round. The Bank return also presents some very favourable features, showing an augmentation of 154,024/. in the stook of bullion, which is now 15,527,3501. Consols opened 1 per cent higher, viz. 941 95, and after receding for a moment to 94 sellers, are now buyers at that figure, with a firm appear- ance. Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares are all quoted from to 1 per cent better, but transactions limited. The Thames and Mersey Shares have been purchased at 2 prem. this morning, and are firm at 11 21 prem. Business throughout the House is quiet.


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, rap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 16th day of May 1860.


Notes issued £29,227,655 Government Debt £11,016,100

Other Securities 3.459,900

Gold Coin and Bullion 14,732,655

Silver Bullion

£29,227,655 I /29,227,853


Proprietors 'Capital £14,833,000 Government SeenrIties(lnclu •

Rest 3,271,422 ding Dead WeightAnnuity). 49,728,943 Public Deposits' 7,585,343 Other Securities 20,266,040 Other Deposits 12,225,882 Notes 7,622,590 Seven Daysand other Bills . 766,821 Gold and Silver Coln 774,695


£38,392,268 • Including Bxeleguer,SavIng-Banks,Commissioners of National Debt, and Div. Acct.