Mr. Bright's speech to the labourers was not, perhaps, one
of the best be has ever delivered, but it was singularly effective and vigorous. He attributed the great advance of this country in the past forty-five years mainly to the Reform Bill, which en- franchised the citizens of the boroughs, and believed that nearly equal results would follow the enfranchisement of the people of the counties. He looked to them in particular for a total change in the land laws. He repudiated the argument that the labourers were unfit for the franchise—though he left, we suppose un- consciously, an impression that he was not quite sure of their fitness,—holding that we must trust them, as we had trusted artisans in the boroughs. We might trust them more easily, Mr. Bright said, rising to a fine strain of irony, because agricultural labourers have all the " advantages " their superiors so appreciate for them. For them are the fresh air and sunshine, for them, especially, the influence of the squire ; for them, above all, the educating example of the Established parsons! They ought to be better than artisans, by the landlords' own showing. He strongly eulogised the labourers' associations for sending up so numerous a body of delegates-1,200 picked men—and assured them, if they would only unite, of an easy victory. They must, however, associate themselves with their brethren of the towns.