Roumania has not declared war on Turkey, but Roumania is
at war with Turkey,—which, we are told, is different. On the 12th inst. the Assembly accepted a resolution declaring that Turkey had committed acts of war against Roumania, and authorising the Government to take all steps necessary for her defence, and for bringing the Principality out of the war as an independent State, but no declaration of independence has been issued. Prince Charles, however, has taken the command of his troops, the Roumanian batteries fire across the river on Widdin, and the first reserve has been formally called out. The troops are de- scribed as excellently disciplined, but the State has not been of late preparing for war, and must rely for most of the necessary munitions upon Russian aid. The Roumanian contingent will probably be a corps d'armee of 30,000 men, commanded by the Prince.