We congratulate the Mint on its enterprise. We hope that
the entrants will be numerous and distinguished. The art of the medallist, as the Renaissance proved, may be a splendid one, and the more artists who practise it the more likely we are to get worthy stamps and seals and coins. We cannot see why there should not be adopted in this country a custom which is well known abroad. Suppose, for example, a high official or a professor or a schoolmaster is retiring and there is a general desire to honour his long services. In Britain the first thing we should pro- bably think of would be to have his portrait painted ; but in other countries, as often as not, a number of -portrait medallions would be struck and distributed among subscribers, who would thus receive minor souvenirs as well as giving a major one. The Mint is wise in trying to draw out talent which is at present to seek. We think we are right in saying that anyone who designs a medallion can have it struck by the Mint for a reasonable fee.