I referred last week to the use made by a
propaganda news-sheet published in Bavaria, called News from Germany, of comments on the international situation in The New Pioneer, and mentioned that according to the reference- books The New Pioneer was a monthly, priced 2d., whose distinctive features are camping and handicrafts for childrep. I now learn that there is another and newer New Pioneer, published for the first time last December, which has apparently appropriated the title of an existing journal. It is a sixpenny monthly with markedly Fascist and anti-Jewish tendencies. The editor is Viscount Lymington, and the assistant-editor Mr. John Beckett, about whom readers of the newspapers in the last five or six years know a good deal. To judge from some of the sentiments expressed in its columns, the surprising thing is not that German propa- gandists quote from it, but that they do not (by permission) translate it and issue it in foto in German. * * * *