18 MAY 1944, Page 13


SIR,—My attention has been called to a letter published in your columns on May 5th last titled " ENSA in India " and signed " X. Y. Z.", contain- ing wild and unsubstantiated charges against the work of this organisation in India. The writer, Mr. X. Y. Z., describes an ENSA show—or what he says was an ENSA show, as being " down and out filth from start to finish." If this individual will furnish me with the name of the show in question, with the name of the artists to whom he took objection, the locality and date of the performance, I will see that immediate steps are taken to check up, and for a report to be furnished to this Headquarters. "X. Y. Z.'s " letter—until every accusation in it has been proved to be justified beyond any shadow of doubt, stands as an insult to numbers of hard-working artists who are trying to serve their country in the ways best fitted to them. This Association takes a serious view of such gratuitous mud slinging. Regarding " X. Y. Z.'s" remark that " Of course one cannot blame the best artists for not coming to India," with its mis- leading implication, I would state that at present the four following star artists are in India for ENSA . . . Vera Lynn, Stainless Stephen and Elsie and Doris Waters.— I am, Sir, yours truly,

COLLIE KNOX, Director of Public Relations.

Department of National Service Entertainment,

Headquarters, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London, W.C.2.