SIR,—I read with amazement " R.A.O.C. Officer's" letter in your issue of May 5th. That he should not have been amused is understandable (indeed, neither was I on re-reading it ; at least we have that much in common), but that he should have taken such violent offence seems incredible. The example given actually occurred in 194o.
Far from underrating the magnificent achievements of the RAO.C. I also credit the majority of the Corps with a sense of proportion which appears, unhappily, to be lacking in your correspondent. If every time someone poked some friendly fun at the " P.B.I." irate and touchy officers rushed into print there would be small space left for anything else in the correspondence columns of the Press.
To say that my " ill-timed and ill-informed jibes endanger public confidence in the corps " is as flattering to my powers of persuasion as it is ludicrous and insulting to the magnificent reputation of the
&c., M. CLARIC HALL. 4A Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C. r.