Israel at twenty-five
From the Rev. Tony Crowe.
Sir: Many people are deeply moved by the love of the Jews for Palestine, after centuries of suffering. Is it possible for this love to include over two million Palestinians who have lived in this small part of the Middle East for 1300 years? Yigael Yadin speaks of the message of Judaism, its social justice and moral rectitude, and Mr Taub of money on "dangerous hardware." Now that the "Joshua type" conquest is over, this money could be spent on compensation for the dispossessed Palestinians. They need a homeland of their own.
To use a phrase of Churchill's . • . "the first task of the victor is to redress the grievances of the vanquished." If Israel fails to do this and ignores the message of Prophetic Judaism, she will not survive for another twenty-five years. Tony Crowe Charlton Parish of St Luke, 67 Chadton Lane. SE7.