(Breakfast with Milton) Hence, loathed Porridge, hence, That from esurient
Chaos rear'st unask'd, Thy horrent swamp, with spacious sugar mask'd, Out of the tepid, dense, lactescent sea! Away! and take with thee This Forage for benighted brutes o'ertask'd, These Krispies, swoll'n with windy scrannel glee,
d vociferous: hence, all dark pretense: Ye Shreddies, Fro sties, Pufft and Bran-buds, flee Before the light of Man's superior sence! But hail! thou radiant Egg of morn With odorous curled Bacon borne, While the stout Sausage, roasted ripe, Chirruping bursts his savoury pipe, And juicie Mushrooms in a humble host Haste from organ ick waste To it-attain that great originall Taste Of dewy meads and Heav'nlie Jubilee, The Harmony of amber-dropping Toast And endless cups of Tea!
(Gina Berkeley)