19 NOVEMBER 1836, Page 2

The French journals are either angry or chuckling at the

Austrian slight put upon LouisPrnLIP by the refusal of his sons and heir for a husband of the Archilutchess THERESA, and the preference of the King of Naples; w ho, to make the matter worse, was to have had one of the Orleans Princesses. This double affront, or " soutllet," was, it is said intentional : the Legitimate Sovereigns of Europe being anxious to let the King of France understand that he is not within their exclusive pale. In order to save appearances, it is now pretended by the courtly news- papers, that the Duke of ORLEANS objected to the Arclulutchess; laeog desirous of uniting the ORLEANS with the BOURBON branch of the blood royal, by marrying a daughter of the Dutehess of BERRI.

The French Chambers are convoked for the 27th of December.

The determination of the King to ship Louts BONAPARTE Off to America, and not bring him to trial, has provoked some taunts from the Opposition French writers. They recommend HENRY the Fifth to try his hand at getting up a rebellion, as the only penalty of failure would be a voyage to New York. The Royal Court of Colmar, which had taken preliminary steps for trying LOUIS BONAPARTE, is very indignant at the unconstitutional interference of the King: but Louts PHILIP cares as little for the Royal Court of Colmar as for the Constitution. CHARLES the Tenth died at Goritz, in Illyra, on the 6th in- stant. He was perfectly well on the 4111, but was seized with in- llarnmation of the intestines on the following day. He was in his seventy-ninth year. His attendants on this occasion observed the ancient custom of declaring "Le Roi eat rnort—Vive le Roil" without knowing who the new King was : for at first it was un- certain whether the Duke of ANGOULEME would not insist on his claim to the succession; but he gave it up, such as it was, to his nephew, now mocked with the title of HENRY the Fifth.