Colston Day in Bristol,—that is, last Saturday,—gave occa- sion to
so many considerable speeches on both sides of politic-, that we can hardly even mention them all. At the Anchor dinner, Mr. Coleridge, in an eloquent speech which attracted much attention, expressed a good deal of dissatisfaction with the limi- tations of Lord Hartington's recent declaration of faith on the subject of land reform,—a dissatisfaction of which Sir Henry James subsequently combated the justness. Lord Spencer, in a very sensible speech, contrasted the language of Mr. Lowther and Lord Salisbury on the Irish Land Act with the language of their own supporter, Colonel Stuart Knox, when unsuccess- fully contesting the county of Tyrone,—the former calling it pure confiscation, and the later calling it " the charter of the liberties of the Irish farmer." Lord Spencer added, amidst great cheering, in justification of the severer measures recently taken, that no Government could put up with anarchy, and that those who strove for a dissolution of the Union were merely " beating the air."