The High Deeds of Finn. By T. W. Rolleston. (George
Harrap and Co. 5s.)-Mr. Rolleston has drawn his material from a field of literature as yet little known to the average reader. There will be many, we feel sure, who will be grateful to him for bringing within their reach this world of ancient Irish myth and legend. In his preface Mr. Rolleston describes to us the manner in which
he has treated his subject. Certainly his justification—if indeed justification is needed—lies in the result. He tells his tales in a simple, straightforward manner that will make the book excellent reading for young and old, yet manages to retain that particular and arresting charm which is justly claimed as characteristic of Celtic legend. We feel sure, however, that he will be the last to resent it if we own that the tales which delighted us most, "The Story of the Children of Lir " and " King lubdan and King Fergus," are two that avowedly owe least to his hand. The latter is indeed one of the most charming fairy-stOries we have ever come across. Its delicate humour, which in the end changes to a note of pathetic dignity, deserves to make it widely known and appreciated. We must not omit to mention Mr. Stopford Brooke's able introduction, which will add not a little to the interest of this quite admirable book.