The Bombardment of Sofia
The blow struck by a strong force of American bombers on Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, has military significance for the Germans and political significance for the satellite States. It will be observed, in the first place, that it was made by Air Forces operating from bases in Italy, which are near enough to make life uncomfort- able anywhere for the enemy in Greece, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. In selecting Sofia as their target, they chose, in a region where com- munications for the most part are poor, the nodal point for the whole railway systm of the Balkans, with lines radiating north- west to Belgrade, north-east to Bucharest, south to Salonica, and east towards Turkey. It is reported from many quarters that much damage was done and that political demonstrations followed. The raid occurred at the moment when the Bulgarian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister had just returned from Hitler's headquarters and had doubtless heard demands for more help for Germany. It is a forcible reminder that Bulgaria has backed the wrong horse. The Bulgarian Government has been peculiarly slow to read the signs of the times, and has even recently been seeking to lay hands on Greek territory, but it must see now dangers on all sides ; and it will not willingly undertake more commitments on her Turkish frontier or in the direction of Greece and Yugoslavia. The raid on Sofia is a lesson to be digested, in Rumania and Hungary as well as Bulgaria.