Best novels?
Sir: The story behind the Observer's story on the Book Marketing Council's 'Best Novels of our Time' stunt is even sillier than Mr Paul Johnson (12 November) supposes.
The BMC's original plan was to give the list to all the Sunday newspapers for publication on 6 November. At the last minute it withdrew the offer, explaining that it was now a Sunday Times 'exclusive'. Our copy of the list was obtained without the BMC's help.
On reflection, the BMC's clumsy pushing of their fatuous list has worked to their ad- vantage, albeit unintentionally. The exer- cise would probably have attracted less at- tention had the council played it straight.
Incidentally why does Mr Johnson not include the Daily Mail in his diatribe against Fleet Street's bingo mania? Does he not know that the newspaper to which he regularly contributes runs a 'millionaire's game' of its own?
Patrick Bishop Robert Low
The Observer, 8 St Andrews Hill, London EC4