Sir: We refer to the latter part of the article
by Richard West entitled 'The Bridport dagger' in your issue of 1 October.
In a series of unsubstantiated comments based mainly on hearsay Richard West manages to malign all young people in the Bridport and Beaminster areas and to cast aspersions on their parents, their teachers and the education provided in the area. Most thinking people will not have paid too much attention to his comments but as parents of children at Beaminster Com- prehensive School, we feel we must redress the balance.
We would inform Richard West that we are concerned parents who are very satisfied with the education our children are receiv- ing and who have every confidence in their teachers. The young people of the school constantly demonstrate that they are responsible and caring members of the community. Mr West does no good to anyone, least of all our young people, by his ill-informed comments. We are sure that our children are not 'growing up in ignorance'. Though some will undoubtedly remain unemployed, few will be 'unemployable'. We, as their parents, have every confidence in their future.
R. Bere
Chairman, Beaminster School P.T.A., Mappercombe Manor Farm, Powerstock, Bridport, Dorset