c/o Berry Bros & Rudd 3 St James's Street, London SW1A 1EG Telephone 01-930 1888
DESCRIPTION PRICE No. OF CASES VALUE 1. Charmes-Chambertin (EB) 1971 12 bots. £118.26 2. Aloxe Corton Les Boutieres 1969 6 magnums £125.82 3. Aloxe Corton Doudet-Naudin 1964 12 bots. £163.08 4. Beaune, Clos du Roy 1961 12 bots. £194.40 5. Beaune, Clos du Roy 1961 6 bots. £97.20
REMITTANCE ENCLOSED £ Please make cheques payable to Spectator Wine Club
Name and address of customer: NAME ADDRESS Address to which wine should be sent, if different: NAME ADDRESS Offer closes 9 December 1983. Please move fast for Christmas delivery CASH WITH ORDER ONLY PLEASE