Crossword 634
A prize of ten pounds will be awarded for the first correct solution opened on 5 December. Entries to: Crossword 634, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.
The radial lights (20 from rim to centre, 20 reversed), include ten words clued without definition, one in each major segment. Six more words run clockwise in the circuit next to the outer one. Each of these sets forms a thematic sequence.
RADIALS (6) 1 Reducing agent has number in pen reduced 2 Solitaires left to experts 3 Decorative leaves, nice about shed 4 Align E, out of true 5 Tidy up the French ochre 6 S-Summer 7 Dismiss the old prune 8 Eat — or consider losing pound 9 End for boar circled by bay 10 Short statements from British banks, we hear 11 Silk fabric from family basket 12 Observe audible swan and gull (hyphened) 13 Work in pottery 14 Dispose of Ted's cycles 15 Husband, grey old husband 16 Brazier piece, back stave 17 Angle for baronet in river 18 Rogues upset birds 19 In March you'll find one, back end 20 Unruly type follows swinging festival 21 Spy takes in gunners, in confidence 22 Well, turned in again 23 Settle up with oil-producer, old Moslem?
24 Exact note 25 Herb misses river and first of spring greens 26 Measure control-level lacking function 27 King's evil spirit pervading Guy no end 28 Air Force 29 Want to desert 30 Fretted iron piercing fish 31 Samarium in mug 32 Good-looker Edward ruined 33 Beginning to bend, supple 34 Fool and he tire 35 Mosaic? Four in study 36 British actor shortly backs this French show 37 Bad application from girl cut employment 38 Little woman needs us /o shift one shed 39 One among these broke former vow 40 Sitter fumbled