19 NOVEMBER 1983, Page 52

Books Wanted

JUDITH VIORST: 'It's hard to be hip over thir- ty and other poems'. Vincent, 01-370 3909. LOUIS AUCHINCLOSS: any novels by this author. G. Gordon, 23 Hogarth Court, Fountain Drive, London SE19 1UY.

GERNSHEIM COLLECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS of either Queen Victoria of Edward VII. Miss V. Greaves, Hermitage, Westbury, Salop SY5 9QX.

THOMAS HOBBES'S MECHANICAL CON- CEPTION OF NATURE by F. Brandt (English translation). C. Thomas, 6 Oaksfield House, Wollescote, Stowbridge, West Midlands DY9 9DL.

THE FEET OF THE YOUNG MEN by 'Janitor' and the biography of John Buchan by Janet Adam Smith. H. G. Garland, 8 Pearl Court, Devonshire Place, Eastbourne, Sussex BN21 4AB.

TO MARIETTA FROM PARIS 1945-1960 by Susan Mary Alsop (Weidenfeld & Nicolson). John Mitchell, The Paddock, Badminston Drive, Fawley, Southampton SO4 I BW.

COLONSAY AND ORONSAY IN THE ISLES OF ARGYLL by John de Vere Loder. A. Ser- jeantson, 24 Reid Terrace, Edinburgh EH3 53H. THE LOST WEEKEND by Charles Jackson and volume 2 of Proust's 'Remembrance of Things Past' translated by Scott Moncrieff. J. Wood, 78 Cavendish Rd, Monton, Eccles, Manchester.

P. J. KAVANAGH: 'The Perfect Stranger'. Box No. 353PJ, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL.

CRICKET PRINTS — Some Batsmen and Bowlers 1920-1940 by R. C. Robertson. L. Durham, Mill Rd, Oundle, Peterborough PE8 4BW.

EDITH O'SHAUGHNESSY: 'Viennese Medley' (Cape). Paul Morgan, 334 Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 7NS.

HANDBOOK ON GERMAN MILITARY FORCES, TM-E 30-451 War Dept, US Govern- ment Print Office (Washington 1945, reprint The Military Press U.S.A. 1970). Also 'German Order of Battle 1944' by B. L. Davis (Arms & Armour Press 1975). Philip Laxton, 106 Blenheim Drive, Allestree, Derby DE3 2LG. SHELL GUIDES, Norfolk & Suffolk, edited by John Betjeman and John Piper. Mrs C. Holder, Balsam House, Wincanton, Somerset.

STEINBECK: 'The Grapes of Wrath' and 'Of Mice and Men', any original hardback editions. Peter Hopkinson, 30 Great Brownings, College Road, Dulwich, London SE21 7HP.

LOOK BETTER FEEL BETTER by Dr Bess M. Mensendieck (Souvenir Press 1976). E. D. Friedlander, 72 Marlborough Place, London NW8 OPP.

THE LAST ENEMY by Richard Hillary (Mac- millan 1942) and 'The Blossoming World' by H. E. Bates (Michael Joseph), both first editions and in good condition with dust cover please. Mr P. Ward, 10 Tiree Path, Broad field, Crawley, West Sussex. RH11 9DE.

FREE SERVICE FOR READERS If you wish to advertise in our weekly Books Wanted Column please send details (max. 2 books) to: Books Wanted, The Spectator, 56 Doughty St, London WC1N 2LL.