The mail-steamer Franklin arrived at Southampton last night, with accounts
extending the news from the United States to the 5th instant. The enforcement of the provisions of the Fugitive Slave 13111 was causing some remarkable social developments. "It was said to be likely that Frederick Douglass would be apprehended under the new Fugitive Slave Bill, unless he escaped to Canada. Great excitement continued to prevail among the Coloured population respecting the operation of the law, and large public meetings had been held in New York and other cities, at some of which resolutions advising resistance to the Government officers were passed. A vast number of fugitive slaves were escaping into the British North American possessions." Jenny Lind was to sing in Harvard Hall, Providence (Rhode Island), after leaving Boston. This edifice will hold only 1880 persons. The first ticket sold for 650 dollars, 25 dollars higher than was paid in Boston, and 425 dollars higher than was paid in New York.
The steam-ship Alabama arrived at New Orleans on the 3d or October from Chagres, with .dates from San Francisco to the 1st of September. The city of Sacramento had not been destroyed, as was reported by the last mail, and peace had been fully restored after several lives were lost The news from the gold regions was highly favourable.