There is trouble brewing among the States of the Danube,
and a question of Rouman nationality may soon be before the world. Prince Michael of Servia has for some time been arming, and he has now broken off all negotiations with the Porte, and announced his intention of aiding the people of Montenegro. This is almost a declaration of war on the Porte, and he is said to be strongly sup- ported by both the Principalities. Together these three States contain five millions of people, and can produce an army with which Turkey cannot contend. Omar Pasha makes no progress in Montenegro, and the Servians are reported to be looking for the aid of France. There is always mischief preparing along the banks of the Danube, but the claim of the whole Rouman race for independence would bring up the Eastern question in its most dangerous form. If the Porte is supported we shall weaken the best barrier between Constantinople and Russia, while, if the Porte is opposed, the discontent smoulder- ing throughout the empire may burst into premature flame.