19 OCTOBER 1912, Page 3

Major Sir Ronald Ross has a striking letter on "The

Example of Panama" in last Saturday's Times. After a brief review of the work done by himself and other parasito- logists, starting with the discovery in 1899 that the parasites of malaria were carried by mosquitoes, he describes the businesslike way in which the Americans at Panama from the very outset set to work to apply the new discoveries and sanitary methods so as to prevent a repetition of the appalling loss of life which attended the French attempt. The sanitation of the Panama Canal zone was entrusted to Colonel 0orgas of the medical staff of the American Army, and he has carried it out with brilliant ability and success. With this great achievement Sir Ronald Ross contrasts the apathy and lack of continuity in tropical sanitation in our own colonies until quite recently. Fortunately this stigma is now being rapidly removed, principally owing to the ability and determination of our Colonial Office.