The " Edinburgh Review " We learn with sadness that
the Edinburgh Review has ceased publication. Thus ends a great age in periodical writing. The form in which the articles used to be cast as " reviews " of books, although some of the books cited might be two or three hundred years old, gave us a rather thrilling sense of a persisting con- tinuity. It is true that the latest Editor, the very able Mr. Harold Cox, modernized the Edinburgh in several ways, especially by the introduction of signed articles, but apparently it was impossible to save in our time the invention of another day. The Edinburgh first taught British readers, as a writer in the Daily Telegraph justly says, that a periodical journal could have a policy and a power of its own without being dependent on any one man's mind. It expressed anonymously the collective wisdOm of a band of writers and thinkers who were held fast together by a common apprehension of what was important and what was despicable in literature and politics.
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