A Library List
BIOGRAPHIES :-Recollections of Three Kaisers. (Jenkins.
10s. 6d.) Men o' War. By Commander T. Dorling. (Philip Allan. 15s.)-Albert, King of the Belgians. By E. Graham. (Hutchinson. 21s.)-An Emigrant in the Canadian North West. By H. E. Church. (Methuen. 3s. 6d.)-Three Personal Records of the War. By-R. H. Mottram, J. Easton and E. Partridge. (Scholartis Press. 15s.)-A Bibliography of the Works of J. B. Bury. By N. H. Baynes. (Cambridge University Press. 10s. 6d.) Frederick the Great. By W. Hegemann. (Constable.
18s.) The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen.
(Medici Society. 7s. 6d.) The Haldanes of Gleneagles.
By General Sir A. Haldane. (Blackwood. 42s.)
MISCELLANEOUS :-Hannen Swaffer's Who's Who. (Hutchin- son. 15s.)-Emigration from the British Isles. By W. A. Carrothers. (P. S. King. 15s.) Democritus. By G. Gould. (Kegan Paul. 2s. 6d.)-The Star Lovers' Days. By E. Sinclair Rohde. The Garden Lovers' Days. By E. Sinclair Rohde. (Medici Society. 3s. 6d. each.) A Politician Plays Truant. By C. Roden Buxton. (Christophers. 5s.)-Pierre, and Jean. By G. de Mau- passant. (Reprint.) (T. Werner Laurie. 7s. 6d.)The Way of the World and Love for Love. By W. Congreve. New Edition. (Lane. 21s.)
HisTony :--Commando. By D. Reitz. (Faber and Faber. 15s.)-The Story of St. James's Palace. By Bruce Graeme. (Hutchinson. 24s.)--A History for British
People. By D. C. Somervell. (Bell. 12s. 6d.) Lord Darling and His Famous Trials. By E. Graham. (Hutchinson. 21s.)-Wolfe and North America. By
Lt.-Col. F. E. Whitton. (Been. 21s.) The History of the Assam Rifles. By Col. L. W. Shakespear. (Macmillan. 30s.)
TRAVEL AND SPORT :-The Polar Regions in the Twentieth Century. By Major-General A. W. Greely. (Harrap. 12s. 6d.)-Town and Country Papers. By R. S. Surtees. (Blackwood. 20s.)-Kenya : From Chartered Company to Crown Colony. By C. W. Hobley. (Witherby. 16s.)- Shooting by Moor, Field and Shore. By Eric Parker and Others. (Seeley, Service and Co. 21s.)-The Hunting and Spoor of Central African Game. By D. D. Lyell. (Seeley, Service and Co. 31s. 6d.)
FicrioN :-The Beautiful Years. By H: Williamson. (Faber and Faber. 7s. 6d.)-Penrod Jashber. By B. Tarkington. (Heinemann. 7s. 8d.) Shard. By D. Lambart. (Blackwood. 7s. 6d.)-The Apes. By E. Phillpotts. (Faber and Faber. 6s.)-Every Dog, By E. and V.
Pringle Wept, -IBenn. 7s. 6d.), . _ -