19 OCTOBER 1951, Page 29


IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, October 30th, addressed Crossword, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 23d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.)



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1. No doubt they relate to samples and goods. (10, 5.) 9. She was, so to speak, " honoured in the breach." (7.) 10. Not that the rose-grower is dishonest.


11. Absolute division giving no chance. (5, 3.) 12. It introduces honour to a vessel. (5.) 14. Ibsen's drama should have set the town on fire. (5.) 15. Every half hour it goes on strike. (5, 4.) 16. He at least needs no introduction. (3, 6.) 19. Not for those who dread wet feet. (5.) 21. Hospital prize ? (5.) 22. Press aid (snag.). (8.) 25. " Physician of the . Goethe has done his pilgrimage " (Arnold). (4, 3.)

26. Gardener's association with snooker. (7.) 27. It's a case of " standing room only " and then " take your seats please." (7, 8.)


1. Jug of punch. (4.) 2. Golden chrysalis. (7.)

3. " A livelier twinkles in the grass " (Tennyson). (7.)

4. Time to go down to Kew. (5.) 5. In the matter of sanity it isn't what's left. (5, 4.)

6. " Wafted by a favouring gale As one sometimes is in -" (Gilbert).

7. Let on a cute change. (7.) 8. It would make for hard beds in a short year. (10.1 13. Bring a goat (anag.). (10.) 15. Flower for the parting guest. (9.) 17. Doctor with a suggestion of the past gets on. (7.) 18. Uriah Hero had it. (3, 4.) 19. Material for surgery. (7.) 20. A lethal drink. (7.) 23. Floral leaps. (5.)

24. For example an article. (4.)