SIR,-1 have just discovered that Stephen Fay's per- ceptive but
rather premature obituary of the New Left included a misleading reference to my article in New Left Review 13/14. He implied that I wrote as a member of the New Left, 'spurned' the Com- mittee of 100, and began with a 'flip criticism' of CND. In fact 1 wrote as an anarchist member of the Committee of 100, attacked the New Left for spurning the Committee of 100 (hence Mervyn Jones's reply in the next issue), and opened with the sentence quoted by Stephen .Fay to show what was hard for the unilateralist movement rather than what was wrong with it.
I hope his other references to articles in NLR were more accurate, and 1 suggest peuple writing about unfamiliar subjects should check their details with someone in the know.