really do take exception to the article by Da'rtaicri Magee entitled 'The Fraudulent Society' and serva to one sentence: 'Ever since the Con- servatives s eame back to office in 1951 they have
help wed a policy of redistributing wealth away from lieor and towards the rich.' in wages makes no mention of the enormous increase deteatte_, for less work done—nor does he pay any ntion to the fact that a great many businesses have" decreased on the investor; now a great many shares .edecreased in value, and many have cut the ,Vgnt nd considerably, but I have never heard that n'aes have been reduced. (). nr escourse 1 cannot speak for the rest of the lrY, but living as we do. surrounded by council b„us and enormous council flats, one cannot help struck by the increased affluence of the work- Cogek lrses—at least half of them own cars (good or „2 them) and the children all have plenty cannot money to spend on ice-cream and sweets. ot believe that this is representative only of that se Pion--but mainly I do take exception to be .ntence ,rating for Tarbiobuutnethe Conservatives. He might Piet,