A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £11.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) will be awarded for the first three correct solutions opened on 4 November. Entries to: Crossword 730, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.
Radial lights (20 running from rim to centre, and 20 from centre to rim) include ten theme-words c ued without definitions. Another seven theme-words run clockwise in the circuit next to the outer one.
Name Address RADIALS 21 1 A sharp-sounding dry fruit 22 2 Number, absorbing penultimate 23 dash of cocaine 24 3 Monkey consumed with 25 branches 4 Handled article and stuff 26 5 Salt with a metal reacting 6 Spite from academic low types 27 7 SE cham, fickle chief among 28 Indians 8 Located around northern border 29 9 Productive type among 30 unproductive 10 False anonymous magician 31 11 Sharp writer with pen, not all juicy 32 12 Old gibbet gets us, neck first 33 13 Shoot and wing antelope 14 God of love indeed in Indian 34 tree 35 15 One, socially acceptable, invited 36 16 Reddish-brown, gold flame 17 Block-like stone rank 37 18 Stage butt goes mad round middle of auditorium 38 19 Washes earth for gold, trapping 39 water 20 Tangle with unknown, surly 40 Disclose side surface of recess Club (king) among several cut Conductor vocalised Make up split with HM Widely separated network takes in Missouri Sure loser – second, with swelling, we hear Roistered in established way Guns (ends sawn off) among others?
Draw tight race Seaside grass, over strait, springs up Philosophers in charge among backward fools Unusual, Cyril Smith's front Painter, indeed, alluring philistine Just outwardly severe Pauses from French songs Observed about litre – broached and spigoted Caught at Stock Exchange in swindle Champion put to test Rustics (touch of Hodge) in rings Sociable sweep's boy The solution to Crossword 727 is on page 42. Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.