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• ,:1, indulgent I he expresses tier: indeed 1 was eppre-
/ It'arren,
x(11 ringlets -a:pi:teem con- ; harms, when - ui -rubbing her al, and her manner
, tvh she finds that tl:.; tzenittl spirit of )ilt.. ST:AMINO; :30 confesses will obey her ea!, is earliest and :t '• a Seenl-
u can be - .1 als the ::••;: lover l'; and .. : his
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lOoks tua trod :bridal liderc::.; with width -;ft• secure c.f. the &ley :•; daughter Pa: (lit of luring hack the more nold, coniedy, thouelo personation of her love fur II grandmother. tin pInsaitt, 111)11 t'
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