In the remoter parts of the globe, in the Colonial
order of states, there are some interesting movements.
According to the latest tales from Algeria, Abd-el-Keder is growing more formidable than ever. By his pertinacious war upon the Infidel, he has earned the reputation of a saint-hero, and ia likely to receive a remarkable military canonization On the other hand, Abd-er-Rahman of Morocco has long tolerated the English, has yielded to the French—most serious heresies against the supremacy of the MuSsultnan sabre. Abd-er-Rallinatt reigns in Morocco, but does net govern ; if any one governs in any part of that shaky empire it is the fugacious Arab victor: his authority is gradually superseding the Imperial rule ; and the Emperor may soon be obliged either to abdicate by order of the Emir, or openly to espouse his cause. In either case, France would attempt the invasion and annexation of Morocco ; a puz- zling eventualite for Great Britain : how would she suffer the ab- Sorption of her old commercial ally ? would she be willing to engage in war with France to maintain the independence of Morocco ? or. what third alternative offers!
In our own colony at the %Jape of Good Hope, the troops seem at last to have made head against the Kafirs.
Unpleasant reports come from New Zealand—of new outrages by the Natives on the Hutt; of a split between Rangihaeata and his fighting Minister Rauparaha, who is said to have joined the British—an ugly and doubtful alliance.
Mexico, at the date of the latest advices, was in the agonies of a counter-revolution; recalling Santa Anna to supersede Paredes. How remarkable is the concurrent fate of the Spanish race on both sides of the Atlantic—courting foreign encroachment by the impossibility of self-government !