It is stated in accounts received today from Brussels, that
a free-trade society is about to be established there, and that it will have a journal specially to represent its views. So far the ball which has been set in motion from the English shores rolls and gains bulk, and no doubt we shall shortly hear of similar societies being formed in every Continental State. The Belgians already complain bitterly that food is dearer with thorn than with their great commercial rivals, the English and French.—Globe.
The accounts of disorders hexing broken out in Galicia and the free state of Cracow are confirmed. The authorities have, in consequent's, adopted extraordinary measures of repression. There are constant patrols of detachments of light horse, and the innkeepers are formed into a civic guard. At Cracow, cannon accompany the patrols. The nobles of Gal- licia have taken refuge in Cracow; and the landowners of the republic seek shelter in the towns from the apprehended attacks of the peasantry. Al! political discussion is forbidden in Cracow under pain of corporal punish- ment. The peasants of Gallicia refuse the feudal service, or avenge them- selves by incendiarism.—Emanciyation (Brussels), Sept- 16.