1 Slow-coach's 4? (8-5)
9 Fluent lip produces such results (9) 10 The eager heart? (5) 11 The Scot is at home; Sesame! (5) 12 Mangled again and dismissed? (9) 13 One gram to be shaken up (7) 15 It's exciting to do this (7) 17 'He treasures up his bright -' (Cowper) (7) 19 The Israelites didn't get cold feet seemingly, even in the Red! (3-4) 21 This feature of evening soccer is highly combustible! (5-4) 23 Clannish but strictly feminine, apparently (5) 24 After sixty minutes I get the charmer (5) 25 She was whisked from the altar (9) 26 Here one finds so many at so much (5, 8) DOWN
2 Very conspicuous vases? (9) 3 'Head to foot Now is he - gules' (Shakespeare) (5)
4 I take it the answer's in the negative? (7)
5 Disappearance of a famous horse? (7) 6 Drama concerned with 5 perhaps might be pretty boisterous (5-4) 7 Our destiny is above ourselves (5)
8 Blue-stocking concerned in flying displays? (6).
9 I'm in the milkman's cart (5)
14 This reveller might be out for a lark but scarcely, up with it! (5-4)
16 He-men naturally figure in such forcible speaking (9) 17 I'd help, the oracle might have promised here (6)
18 Her aids can be rather disreput- able (7) A first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of a book token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened on Sept. 30. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1010, 99 Gower St., London, WCI,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords.
Solution on October 3
19 17 down gets a century (7) 20 Do let Ann come up (5) 22 There's something very haughty ' in this stare, veiled though it may be (5)
23 He gets ahead in the tobacco world (5)