The operations of this week have been nearly a counterpart of the last. Some extensive purchases of Consols have occurred for Money ; but as they have been met by some very large speculative sales, the price at one period fell a per cent below the closing quotations of last week; it has, however, rallied during the last two days, and the closing prices of this afternoon are the same as those of last Saturday, The parties whom we last noticed as having sold stock have been again operating extensively ; and it is supposed that the amount disposed of during the last ten days has been from 500,000/. to 700,0001. Another seller made his appearance on Wednesday : but as all these sales have been speculative, the continued demand occasioned by the purchases for Money has tended to support prices, and, as we have before stated, to reestablish the former quotations. Some extensive sales have occurred in Exchequer Bills; the premium on which was at one time 6s. below that of last Saturday, having been at 60k: but as the market has been cleared of the amount of bills pressing upon it, the prices have recovered about 4s., closing today at 62s. to 64s. The bills in satisfaction of the claims of those parties who were holders of the forged securities issued by Mr. RAPALLO will be delivered on Monday next; and as an addition of upwards of 300,000/. will then be made to the amount of Ex- chequer Bills already in circulation, parties wishing to invest would naturally delay until they have ascertained what effect the increased issue would have upon price. It is to this feeling, in addition to a rather more stringent de- mand for money, that the decline in the premium is to be attributed. In the Foreign Market a considerable decline has occurred in Brazilian Bonds; which have today been done at 75/1. There is no political cause for this movement: it has been occasioned solely by the concurrence of a few sellers, whose operations have great effect, in consequence of the limited nature of the market. We doubt not that SOME of the sales are induced by the approaching issue of a lam.: quantity of Brazilian Stock, in satisfaction of the claims of the holders of the Portuguese Bonds of 1836. Mexican Bonds are rather in advance of our last quotations; although no remittances have been received for the dividends; which will not of course be paid. The speculators have, however, sold so much stock in anticipation of a fall, that until a supply is thrown upon the market it is impossible that any extensive decline can occur. The real holders seem indisposed to sell, and scarcely any money sales have occurred. The next mail is expected to arrive on the 5th April ; and the intelligence received by it will materially influence the value of the Stock. The Portuguese Converted Stock, which declined a little on the receipt of the intelligence by the last mail, has recovered again, and is today about l per Cent above the lowest quotation of the week. Spanish Stock has been on the decline, and the Three per Cents were at one period
per cent below the closing price of last Saturday ; but have rallied slightly again, and close about per cent above the last prices of this day week, and 1 per cent below the highest quotation. Active Stock has not fluc- tuated quite so much as the Three per Cents, but closes this afternoon at about the same depreciation as compared with the highest recent quota- tions. Some of the minor class of Foreign Funds are lower ; chiefly on ac- count of the check given to speculation by a slight demand for money, which is ill be comparatively scarce until the beginning of the week after next, when the payment of the April Dividends will cause it to be abundant. The operations in Railway Shares are of the same character as those of last week : the heavier description of Shares evince symptoms of decline, while the lighter are generally in demand. The speculators in Brighton Shares, having oversold themselves, find great difficulty an providing Shares for delivery. The Shares of the various Banks are in steady demand at improved prices, those of the Australian establishments seem to be the favourites, and are sought after at high rates. The old Shares of the Bank of Australia have been current at from 58/. to 591., and the new Shares at 30/.
The English Funds are at yesterday's prices : many of the Foreign Bonds are quoted today ex dividend. Thus, Brazilian are 73 to 75, equal to a previous quotation of 754 74: this Stock is still heavy,: and has been done at 74. Chili= are 86 to 89, equivalent to a quotation of yesterday of 89 92; and Dutch Five per Cents are 100, equal to 1024, with dividend. The only trans- actions of importance have occurred in Spanish Bonds, both varieties of which are about 4 per cent above the opening prices; and the market evinces consi- derable firmness, at the advanced quotations. The following transactions have occurred in Shares—Del Monte Mining, Unregistered, 6. Railways—Birmingham and Derby, 414 1; Bristol and
Exeter, 574; Eastern Counties, 94; Ditto, Scrip, ; Ditto, New, Registered, 114 ; Ditto, Debentures, 114; Great Western, Fifths, 18:; Brighton, 354; Blackwell, 64; Manchester and Leeds, New, 344; Ditto andBirmingham, 214. SATURDAY, Foul o'croce. The English Funds close at the morning prices. The premium upon small Exchequer Bills has advanced Is., and is quoted at 65s.; though the price of large bills is the sane.
Some slight fluctuation bas occurred in the Foreign Funds ; but the business has been chiefly confined to Spanish Stock; which, after being at an advance of per cent, closes at the morning's quotations. The Portuguese Stock is rather firmer, and we have to notice a transaction in Greek Bonds of the Loan of 1825, (lreenno's,) at 13. It would appear that the necessities of the Greek Government will soon drive it to contract another loan ; which can only be done by withdrawing the present Bonds from circulation; hence the present demand.
The following bargains have occurred in Shares in addition to those noticed in the morning. Mocaubas and Cocaes United Mines, 4-4; Del Monte Mines, Registered, 5. Railways—Edinburgh and Glasgow, 494 9; Great Western, 95; Brighton, 354; Blackwell, 6; Wrmingham, 211; South-western, 644; Northern and Eastern, 35 4; South-eastern and Dover, 254; Ditto, New, 254.
3 per Cent Consols 92t I
Chilian Deferred 30 2 Ditto for Account 921 i Colombian 6 per Cents,1824. 251 6 3 per Cent Reduced ...... shut Danish 3 per Cents ......
861 71
31 per Cent Ditto shut Dutch 21 per Cents 551 61 New 31 per Cents . . 1021 1 Ditto 5 per Cents ...ex div. 991 100 Bank Stock for Account ex div. shut Mexican 5 per Cents Consd 304 11 Exchequer Bills prem 62 4 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 ::91 14 India Stock shut Russian 6 per Cents 113 14 Brazilian 5 per Cents ..ex div. 74 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 221 3 Belgian 5 per Cents 1041 51 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 32/ 1 Chilian 6 per Cents.... ex div. 86 9
The returns of the average weekly liabilities of the Bank of England for the twelve weeks ending 25th March exhibits, as compared with the last, an in- crease in every item. The circulation has increased 356,000/, the deposits 798,000/., the seculities 1,135,000/, and the bullion 109,000/ As compared with the corresponding return of last year, there is an increase of 3,141,000/. 13 the circulation, of 3,346,000/. in the deposits, of 266,000/. in the securities, and of 4,929,0001. in the amount of bullion. The average circulation in March 1842, being 16,952,000/. against an amount of 20,093,0001. at present ; while the amount of bullion now in store is 11,054,000/. against 6,125,000/. in March 1842. The amount of bullion actually in store, allowance being made for Chinese silver, which we believe is not included in this account, must be about 11,600,000/.