1 APRIL 1843, Page 19



39, Paternoster Row, London, 1st April 1843. SIR—A more striking instance of the injury done to our literature by the absence of an International Copyright Law cannot be produced than in the following extract from a recent number of the Boston (U. S.) Register.


•• An Encyclifcedia [Dictionary] of Science. Literature, and Art : comprising the His. tory. Description, and Scientific Principles of every branch of Human Anowkdgel with the Deriv ition and Definition of all the TerirTs is use. Illustrated by Engravings on Wood. General Editor, W. T. BRANDE. F.R.S.L. and E.; assisted by several most distinguished scientific men. New York : Harper and Brothers. Our first impression at the sight of this work in an Americas edition was, that it was really an enormous wrong that the labours of scholars on tbe other side of the water should be freely used without purchase on this continent. But this question of international copyright we do not feel called upon to discuss now. The question could not be raised by a friend to the protection of literary labour, with more to favour his views, than iu connexion with this very work. Here are the united results of the labours of fourteen scientific Englishmen, who at home receive a reward from every one who buys their work, a fair price cot ering the copyright. Harper and Brothers are to furnish it in twelve parts, to be issued two in each mouth, at twenty-five cents a part [twelve shillings and sirpence English, complete.] Three numbers or parts have already appeared. The work ought to be found onboard of every ship, in every work- shop, counting-room, store, and dwelling-house. To those who have not the liberty of using a very large library, it will supply one—for three dollars. Indeed it would be impossible to dad in any number of volumes the information contained in Brande's Dictionary, for it embraces particulars of too recent information on many scientific sub- jects to have been us yet announced in other books. The agents for the work in this city are Messrs. Saxton and Peirce. No. 133, Washington Street, who will regularly furnish it," &c.—From; the Boston (U. ) Christian Register.

We, in common with other publishers, are greatly indebted to the present Government for the protection recently granted to literary property, by the exclusion from the United Kingdom of foreign reprints of our works by those who, as they pay nothing to the authors, may well afford to undersell us. Those who think lightly of the subject, or consider that they are unfairly treated by the prohibition of foreign editions of British works, may perhaps entertain a different opinion when they are told that we have expended upon this Dictionary a capital of above Six Thousand Pounds, whereof above a half was paid to the authors ; and of this latter sum Jonathan, though he reprints the work, will take especial care not to pay a single farthing. The injury done to literature by such a system is too obvious to require being pointed out. Perhaps, however, it may be worth while to observe, that the Americans gain much less by their piratical invasions than they suppose; for, if they consented to an International system, the price of a work like Brande's Dictionary would be reduced fully a third. It is obvious, that so long as the present practice is maintained, there will be the greatest temptation clandes- tinely to import foreign reprints of British works; and unless the greatest vigilance be used in carrying out the provisions of the late act, the existing en- couragements to literature will certainly be very much diminished. At present, foreign reprints of British works are freely introduced into the Colonies : but this surely will be prevented. We may not be able to prevail on foreigners to adopt an International Copyright Law, though it would cer- tainly be as much for their advantage as ours; but we may, at all events, pro- tect ourselves in our own dominions.

We are, Sir, your obedient servants LONGMAN AND Co. N.B. The Act fur the absolate Prohibition of Foreign Reprints of English Copyright Books comes into force this day.