1 APRIL 1843, Page 9


OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, March 24.—Corps of Royal Engineers—First Lieut. T. R. Mould to be Sec. Capt. vice Wentworth, seconded; See. Lieut. C. J. Gibb to be First Lieut.. vice Mould, promoted. Memorandum.—Lieut.-Col. J. N. Wells, Royal Engineers, has been placed on the Retired Full-pay List. WAR-OFFICE, March 31.-2d Regt. Drag. Guards—Capt. F. Maynell, from the 4th Drag. Guards, to be Capt. vice Leigh, who exchanges. 4th Drag.. Guards—Capt. E Leigh. from the 2d Drag. Guards, to be Capt. vice Meynell,' who exchanges. 6th Drag. Guards—Cornet F. Henke), to be Lieut. by purchase,' vice Cocksedge, who re- tires; F. Polhill, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Monkey. 17th Light Drags— Cornet H. C. Taylor to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Hammoed, who retires ; E. C. jj. Haworth, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Taylor. o Grenadies Guards—Li L

G. S. Gough, from the 7th Foot, to be Ensign and Lieu vice Chich

changes. Scots Fusilier Guards—Lieut. and Capt. the .1.-C.-2.... Adjut. vice Seymour, who resigns the Adjutantcy only. 7thti-ieptr1 W. Chichester, from the let Foot Guards, to be Lieut. vice 10th Foot—Lieut. H. E. Longden to be Capt. by purchase, vice White, who re wee; Ensign W. H. Emerson lo be Lieut, by purchase. vice Longden; J. Curry, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Emerson ; Lieut. the Hon. P. F. Lysaght to be Adjut. vice Longden, promoted. 13th Foot—J. D. Loagden, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Stehelin, promoted. 18th Foot—H. James, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Fane, appointed to the 53d Foot ; 11. T. Irwin, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Hayman, promoted; C. F. Kelly, Gent. tobe Ensign without par. vice Ward, pro- moted; Assist.-Surg. A. Ferguson, from 231 Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Baker, dec. 23d Foot— Lieut. H. G. Anderdon to be Captain, by purchase, vice Colleton, who re- tires; Second Lieut. C. W. Calvert to be First Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Anderdon ; Robert Bruce, Cent. to be Second Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Calvert; F. P. Loins- worth, gent. to be Assistant-Surgeon, vice Ferguson. appointed to the 18th Foot. 40th Foot—W. H. Hill, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Lindsey, deceased. 42d. Foot—Lieut. A. C. Campbell to be Adjutant, vice Macdonald, who resigns the Adju- tancy only. 5341 Foot—Major H. S. Phillips to be Lieutenant-Colonel, by purchase, vice Hill, who retires; Capt. E. Bond tube Major, by purchase, vice Phillips; Lieut. C. Lem- priere to be Captain, by purchase, vice Bond; Ensign J. Shifter tobe Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Lempriere; Ensign the Hon. F. W. II. Pane, from the 18th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Shiffner. 60th Foot—Second Lieut. George Clapeott to be First Lieu- tenant, by purchase, vice Breedon, who retires; R. J. Feilden, Gent to be Second Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Clopcott. 621 Foot—A. S. Craig. Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. vice Bendyshe, promoted to the 10th Foot. 85th Foot—Captain -D D. Barton, from half-pay 68th Foot, to be Captain, vice J. K. Pipon, who exchaliges ; Lieut. J. W. Grey, to be Captain, by purchase, vice Barton, who retires; Ensign E. L. Parrott to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Grey ; Gentleman Cadet C. Warburton, from the Royal Military Collmm, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Parrott. 98th Foot- Lient. J. M. Jeffery to be Captain, by purchase, vice Russell, who retires; Ensign T. C. Dunbar, to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Jeffery ; 0. Latouche, Gent, to be Ensign by purchase, vice Dunbar.

Staff.—Lieut. 3.0. Berridge, from the 16th Light Drags, to be Adjutant of a Re- scuffing District, vice Hanson. deceased.