The Abbe Rogerson has corrected the Bishop of Oxford's state-
ment (or supposed statement, for he now disowns it) about the 750 clerical cab-drivers of Paris. The Abbe chaffs his right reverend correspondent gently on his disposition to extract Popish horrors from a " Newdegate Calendar," and observes, "Sent luos eurrieulo pulvermn clericakm collegisse juvat," which we might translate, "There are; who love to collect on their cabwheels the -dust of crumbling priesthoods." The Abb6 further tells the Bishop that the chief of bureau connected with street convey- ances receives the declarations of every Parisian cabman as to the former profession he has followed, and that only three in eight years have been in priest's orders. The Bishop says that he should have included "street-organ players, porters, and beg- gars" as competing with cab-drivers for distressed priests. If it had been only 'beggars' the Bishop would not have felt any shock, or been able to make any point in Convocation. Clerical beggars might resume their sacred functions without discredit,— but clerical cab-drivers, however honest, never. Is it because they could never have driven their cabs up the straight and narrow road,—because they are associated with another broader and more -convenient road, but with an objectionable terminus ?