Into the remarkable and characteristic extract which we gave last
week from Professor De Morgan's will, a slight verbal in- accuracy, which, however, essentially modifies the meaning, crept by some inadvertence of our own. We printed it thus : —"I commit my future destiny, with hope derived from ex- perience, to Almighty God, who has been and will be my guide and my support ; to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead, and whom I have not confessed with my mouth in the sense usually attached to these words, because such confession has been in my time the only way up in the world." The word " only " before "up in the world," was not Professor De Morgan's, but due to our own miscopying. Mr. De Morgan never willingly used an exaggerated expression, and he would have been the first to recognize that to speak, even in his day, of a Christian profession as "the only way up in the world" would have been to use an exaggerated expression.