Serious news of a new rising comes from Albania. The
Turkish troops, according to a telegram in the Times of Thursday, have been forced back at all points after twenty- four hours' fighting, and four Turkish officers and 160 men have been killed. Ten Turkish blockhouses have also been burnt. Tuzi is said to have been taken and the Kastmti die trict occupied. The Governor of Skodra reports the insur- gents' strength at 10,000, of whom 2,000 are Montenegrins. Torgad` Shevket Pasha has left Constantinople, and will probably take charge of the operations. The killing of one of the German officers, who are engaged as instructors, by an Albanian sentry at Constantinople was probably only the result of the Albanian believing that he had been personally affronted, but it nevertheless may have been a symptom of the dangerous excitement which animates all Albanians just now.