The Daily Mail, which it is my misfortune to think
usually wrong, can of course on occasion be right. And in its con- demnation of a forthcoming book, which is described by its publishers as " a frank and unusual autobiography," and is in fact the story of a prostitute's life, I agree with it com- pletely. That a reputable firm should be ready to send out the volume under its auspices leaves me astonished. Of course, such a subject should not be banned. A book on it, auto- biographical or not, might be a really valuable social docu- ment. Everything depends on the treatment, and for the treatment in this case there is nothing to be said. I have no hesitation in describing it as a disgusting book, and I whole- heartedly endorse the Daily Mail's appeal to the publisher; to think again before they launch on the world a volume that can do them nothing but discredit.