From the Hustings
I'm not very keen on the Common Market. After all we beat Italy and we saved France and Belgium and Holland. I never see why we should go crawling to them now.—Lord Attlee.
He [General de Gaulle] is a very big man and a very dangerous man, he eats twelve men like Mr Heath for breakfast.—Denis Healey, Secre- tary for Defence.
For heaven's sake keep it boring.—Harold Wilson.
I don't think it will get worse. I think it will get better because at some point during the election I'm bound to find out who I am.—Edward Heath (as quoted in the 'Sunday Times').
Under this government we are given custody of the World Cup and someone pinches it.— Quintin Hogg.
Lady heckler : 'I want a truthful answer: George Brown : You can only have the answer I am giving you.'
Taking all the money and moaning about deficits here, deficits there—always moaning about deficits.—Beatle George Harrison. on the likened between Mr Wilson and the Sheriff of Nottingham.
We know it doesn't make the slightest difference to anyone or anything whether Mr Heath or Mr Wilson is in No. 10 Downing Street.—Malcolm Muggeridge. •
If I were a British citizen, I would vote for the Conservative party.—Valery Tarsis.
The way to Europe, I believe, is clear and open to us. I think we need a declaration of intent from the next Conservative government and I assure you it will come within days of our taking office.—lain Macleod. The last Socialist Budget was bad enough, you wait a few weeks, their next one will be even worse.—Quintin Hogg.
* Questioner : 'Will the Liberals rise ever again?' Quintin Hogg : 'Yes. At the Resurrection.'
Heckler in Cardin : 'Will you please speak about Wales? You haven't spoken about Wales yet.' Harold Wilson : 'Yes I have. I've even spoken about Wales in Scotland.'
Me vote? I haven't voted since 1910. I voted against a fellow then because he was the begetter of a theory that Bacon wrote Shakespeare.— Sir Compton Mackenzie.