LETTERS Bose by any other name
Sir: We regret that Mihir Bose's name was erroneously added to the list of signatories to the World Statement in defence of Salman Rushdie and his publishers ('Rent- a-mob for Rushdie', 25 March).
The procedure for gathering signatories to the statement involved a number of reputable organisations in the United States and worldwide. It was the responsi- bility of these organisations to authenticate any signatures they passed on to the co-ordinators. As it now appears that the list that was given to us with Mihir Bose's name on it may contain errors, Mihir Bose's name and the other names on this particular list are being withdrawn from future publication of the statement pend- ing confirmation of their authenticity.
While expressing our sincere apologies to Mihir Bose for the mistake made, we must add that we are surprised that he saw fit to publish his article without at any stage informing us of the error, or consulting us about the accusations he intended to make against us. The World Statement, which was published in over 50 newspapers and periodicals in over 20 different countries around the world, was a unique event which expressed the outrage felt by the world's literary community at the death- threat, endorsed by a state, against one of its members.
Contrary to Mihir Bose's assertions, the International Committee did not scramble around 'almost in desperation' to find Asian and Muslim signatures to the State- ment. These were freely offered — with, in our opinion, great courage. Sadly, we do not feel Mihir Bose's article has done very much to salute that courage, nor indeed to help Salman Rushdie and the principles of freedom of opinion and expression which are at stake in this grave matter.
Kevin Boyle
Chairman, The International Committee for the Defence of Salman Rushdie and his Publishers, PO Box 49, London SE1