1 AUGUST 1840, Page 10


Arrived—At Gras Pseud. Jnly 2811t. I iiiiiliistuuui, Latnli, from Van 1)iemee's1.09; '29th, Earl It dearres. Vases. Irma Clnen; Grecian, Itieharde, from New South Wales: mid James Matthews I.;.itnz, frmii the Cape. At De. I, .0111, DI/111111 1%1:4,11), 11111106.; Mill Maidstone, Winade. front Bengal and Ludy Nugent, Dollen, nom Singapore. At Is ni,iiltt, 30th. Jaiwt. Ctiitnuers ti iii Nlatiritins. At I,iverpool, 25t1, Ceorgislul. Stegitemon, front New soon, srales; 24.th, Maud, Callen, from Bengal; Ma' nia, Noal,ei. From lininhay ; 1.d111, Earl Grey. Bell, fir Bengal ; nod Tro.a.. m55n. wait, for t iii it ; l'ell1111n. Calming, r China. A; St, Ilelens, Jtme 5th, Beliance, Ilall, for Isontbay. -At the Cape, May 17th. Lady Rallles,Hight; and 1811, lenobin, Owen, lion, Bengal. At the Mimi onus, Aprit 16th, Charlotte, Creighton, frum Lava-nasal; Ilia. Fisher ; end 21st. Cradg, front Lemke). Au Beugat, Elizabeth, Ilatnlytt, arum the Clyde. At Viln Dienien's Land, Emit, Hewer& from 1.outtou ; mat Mary Eliza, Paitersom from the Clyde. Sailed— From Gravekend, July ',Silt, Malabar. Pollock ; and Francis Spaight,SaYen' for Bombay ; and Maidstone. Winible. fur Bengal. From Liverpool, 44th, Dukocc Lancaster, Hargreaves; and 29th, Flophinsou„ Stevens, for Bombay.