The Stock-market has been subjected to very extraordinary fluctuations during the whole of the week. The debate in the House of Commons on the subject of the treetv with the Great Powers to the exclusion of France, caused a de- pression 1t1 t o course or Saturday last ; and the appearance of the market at the clots ga • indications of heaviness. On Monday morning, the opening vice el s on, Is for Account was 914 I; about one o'clock, however, a broker
sold 150,000/. at between 914 and 914, and within a few
dined to 908. After the above sale, no business of any moment ocar‘ - the depression bad reached the lowest point, and between 914 and gortl utterly Impossible to effect any sale of consequence. The price rslhifl course of the afternoon ; closing at 91k. On Tuesday, the prke 9l* for Account, and to 91h for Money ; but gave way slightly in the On Wednesday, the market was firm, but closed heavily. Yesterday the "zkt price was 90; ; after being at 003, the market rallied in the afiernoon,arLII: were buyers at 94 at the close of business. This morning, the first pet% 904 i; but a large sale was effected at 90k, and although there were huyersaiti.. price for a considerable time afterwards, the market gradually gave just before four o'clock, when the nominal quotation being 906i, a 200,000/. at 90 was made,—thus noting a decline of nearly 2 per eta the highest quotation of the week : the market rallied a little afterward at half-past four o'clock was 901, The other English Funds bare falleOil. similar proportion as Consols; but as the depression of to-day le, ta1,1. place ahnost entirely since one o'clock, the hour at which Money sok% generally closes, and the Sales of Stock have been all made for Art% the quotations for Money in the Official List are very. little lower 11444: were on Monday ; the nominal prices are, however, fully per them. The great decline to which we have referred has been entirelyele 111C state of our political relations with France; and the panic semi equally participated by the capitalists of both countries. The decline ett!, French Funds in on Monday was nearly 2 per cent. We have „otgit list of prices of a later date, in consequence of the Bouree having been ek: ou the 28th and 29th in honour of the Revolution of 1830: businea,bui ever, would commence again yesterday ; and it is reported that an expas1„: been received in town to-day bringing the quotations of Thursday, 2 perciz below those of Monday ; the price of flue Three per Cents. being nateit 81 50, used of the Five per Cents. at 115. It is to this circumstance thatz; decline to-day is attributed ; though souse credence was given to epr that it is intended to increase the Navy by 10,000 men. The operationstrV which the fidl has been produced have been chiefly confined to extensireei. for Account ; the public having, as usual, bought largely fin. Money at this prices. There has not been say decline in Bank Stock, us is quinedto0 at 174 and 173h; while we are without any price of India Stock ; Bills also are .titliottt material alteration, the premium to-day being23W 25s. India Bonds are quoted at Is. discount. In the Foreign Market, the European Continental Stocks have declined; a considerable extent. Belgian Bonds are at 101 to 102; being 3),reu below our last prices. Dutch Two-and-at-half per Cents. have fattens!, as 514 ; being a decline of 2 per cent. Russian Stock has been donec:i and 115. Brazilian is 79. Portuguese Bonds have been fully 2 per cent, below our last priest); Five per Cents. having been as low as 82.4, and the Three per Cents& while the Five per Cents. 1837 are quoted at 306 to Si?,. Spanish Aetivelti also experienced much fluctuation : It wns on Monday as low as 253, butts rallied Heady I per cent., to decline again to-day RA IOW as 251. Therm a slight improvement in Portuguese and Spanish Securities after four o'slaa; the Portuguese Five per Cents. beiug done at 33, and Spanish Active SI 81! Mexican Boas are heavy ; the Six per Cent% beittg quoted this afteris at 29?i 3tI, and the New Five per Cents. at 3I . A meeting of the holders of Ueltinallian Bonds was held on Thursday lt Consider the proposals made by Senor FORTIQUE 011 MIA' Of the Gamma of Venezuela for the conversion of the prtion of the Columbian Debt allaV. to that State. The terms offered are modified from those proposed by thee* mittee of Bondholders on the Ilth March last, inasmuch as the Gorman Cntienissioner proposes to delay the periout at which interest is to commas upon the Deferred Stock into which the arrears of dividetals now due unbolt el/liveried for a period of t scent)'. three years, instead of allowing such intact Iii commence t .telve years hence. The meet lug wtua 111/1111i11:011S iii its detrn initiation to reject the modilisd rivaled; and as the Commissioner's inane tions do not permit him to accede to the original propositiott now insisted onla the Bondholders, a delny must arise before the sentiments or the Venezuela Government can be ascertained. In the Inca!' time, the Bonita have dedist and have been as low as 25 ; but have slightly rallied again, and are this afire noon at 254- The other South American Securities are not moat affected. The only important transaction in Railway Shares has been a timelines( about 500 Brighton Shares for cash ; a temporary impulse wits thence gime them ; but it has mit continued, and the price has given way to-day about in consequence of the heavinees of the English Funds. The other liaileq Shares are all depressed.
There were several sales of Consols for Account at 90, upon the opening of the market ; but as most of the leading brokers were buyers, ell the Stock offered was readily taken, and the quot at ion continued for some thne at 90 to h : the price bas, however, at length given wny, under the eon: tinned reiteration of these operations, and Consols tin. ?limey are now 893 ti while the pries. liw Account is 894 1,,. Bank Stock has eivelt o ay, and len been done at 173, thus making a tall of I per cent., %%hilt. India Sleet a quoted at 252, being 3 per cent. below our price or Saturday last. It will be seen by our bet that all the other English bonds have fallen in the same pro. portinn as Consols. In the Foreign Market, the little business that basket doiug has been at considerably lower prices, sales of Stock to any extent being out of the question unless at n great sacrifice. Belgian are nominally quoted 100 to 101 ; Dutch T wo-atel- a- half, 54. Portuguese Stock is I:II per cent. below our yesterday's prices, the Five per Cents. being at :11!:; while Small Active has fallen in ha at ly the same proportion, and is 2,1, a. The pound a per Cent. Reduced SW!, Danish :. per Cents quite imposntble is 79 21'413r bk011 the South American Snacks are8;iticnittinattly the same, lint it is to sell Stock. The Railway Silures are all lower, and extensive sales ianposstble.
3 per Cent. C..nAlls lieluiaa 5 aer caw,.
paa. kr Aceoaat . -
g Columbian 6 per Cents
31 per Cent. Ditto 3fl -I",- . 51i
New ,,,,, per Cents. OS; hatteguese Itegetiey 5 per Cts. 311 32
Dutch ',... 1 er Cents .
Bank Stock 17.1 4 Ditto 3 pee Cents 121 Brazilian 5 per Cults id 79 Spanish (active) ....... .... 214131115
Exelosaiter Bills ..... 2:;e5 pm. Minim 5 per Cents. I iiiiiii Stock 1.:5''