The Mior and the Loch : containing practical hints on most of the Highland Sports, and notices of the habits of the different creatures of game and prey in the mountainous districts of Scotland ; with an Essay on Loch-fishing. By JOHN COLQUIIOUN. Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, includ- ing the 'Protectorate. By JOHN HENEAGE JESSE. Vols. Ill. and IV. Benevola • a Tale, in two parts.
The Table-Talker ; or Brief Essays on Society and Literature. In two volumes.
Turkey and the Turks: being the present tate of the Ottoman Empire. By Jour.; HELD, Author of " Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica," " Sketches of Turkey," &c.
[Mr. REID appears to have resided in Turkey in some employment con- nected with the civilized reforms of the late Sultan. His batik consists of a brief history of the Turks and of Constantinople, the matter of whirls has frequently appeared before, in every work which has handled the subject ; of Mr. REID'S general views of the national character, and of the present posi- tion of the empire,—a subject far too large for the nature of the writer's mind ; together with a series of sketches in Constantinople, that convey a pretty graphic idea of the lower classes, and of the houses of entertainment in the Turkish metropolis.] The Harrowing of Bell; a Miracle-Play, written in the reign of Edward the Second, now first published from the original manuscript in the British Museum, with an Introduction, Translation, and Notes. By JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL, Esq., F.R.S., &e.
.[This publication contains one of the oldest Miracle Plays, written in the Eng- lish of the fourteenth century. The subject is the descent of Christ into Hell to release the souls of the patriarchs and prophets who were confined there till
his advent. In the drama there is, properly speaking, no action and scarcely a " business " : Christ appears at the gates of Hell; terrifies the porter; &put% • with Satan, whom he vanquishes of course, and receives addresses from A,dern" Eve, David, Sze. The dialogue has a certain quaint force and shnplicity, de; rivuble as much perhaps from its antiquity as from any merit in the author, The value of The Harrowing of Hell arises from its curiosity as a specimen of our early dramatic literature. In the prelliee, the editor, Mr. IIALLiwrmr., gives some examples of all ancient Latin Miracle Play. on the Resurrection, which has a good deal of the Catholic spirit of the Romtsh Church service. His translation of The Har- rowing of Hell %voull have been better had he stuck more rigidly to his test: he has somewhat sacrificed truth to elegance. Take the first three lines of the Prologue, with merely a change in the spelling—
All hearken to me now, A strife will I tell you Of Jesus and of Satan.
Let every one listen to use now! I will tell you a contest Between Jesus and Satan.]
The Nun or Florence ; Melodrama, by Guinn Soricw, of Florence, Member tif the Colonial Society, Author of " My Conli!ssions," [ The production of an Italian exile, already known to the world for his trans- lation at' Mivrox, Rod various other works. 71/4e Nun of Florence is a stag of a lady forced by an avaricious hither to take the veil, amid who, subsequently flying with her lover, is condemned by the Inquisition, but rescued from the stake by the advance of' NA POLEON. A. translation front the English into the author's native tongue accompanies the melodrama.] Miscellaneous Verses. By Sir FRANCIS HASTINGS DOYLE, Bart., Fellow of All Souls' College, Oxford.
[These poems are creditable exhibitions of literary cleverness, if written by a young gentleman at college ; but they do not possess any striking characteristics or display any. germs of future promise.] Temperance Rhymes.
[Pleasing and well-intended verses, exhibitiug the evils of' drunkenness in the various modes in which it operates upon the poor. They would require more strength and pungency, however, to rerun's the classes lbr whose improvement they are written. j The Pleasures of Pict y; a Poem, in ten hooks. By the ReV. ROBERT WILSON, A.M. Second edition, revised and enlarged. The Young Prima Donna ; a Romance of the Opera. By Mrs. GREY, Author of " The Duke." In three vols.
[The character and incidents of private life in this novel are drawn from in. vention ; in much of what concerns the nmsieal education and stage-effect of the heroine the writer seems to have had MALtrinAN for a model. It is not without a kind of story interest, but there is neither much intellectual power nor knowledge of life displayed in it.] Wang Ream,. Lean Put :Wen Chang Min; or the Lasting, Resentment of' Miss Keaou Lwan Wang. A Chinese tale ; lbunded on fact. Trans-
lated from the original by Runnier THOM, Esq., Resident in Canton. [A translation of a Chinese novel, vhose subject is the loves and irregular marriage of two persons with very hard names. The gentleman proving faith. less and marrying another, the laily eneloses her marriage-contract to a judge, and hangs herself; upon which the Lothario is brought into court, and, unable to deny his offence, is beaten to death. The little hook, which has reached its from Canton, is not without intriesic interest, for its picture of Chinese manners, and its incidents, which resemble some in the Arabian Nights; but Mr. TII031 appears to have translated it for the Chinese poetry intervoven with the tale. Unless, however, where some maxim of life is inculcated, appreciable in all clinics, the lyrics appear to us as the least attractive part, from the diffi- culty of understanding their images and allusions.] 7'he Maternal Management of' Children, in Health and Disease. By THOMAS 13ULL, M.D., Physician-Accoutheur to the Finsbury Mid- wifery Institution, &c.; Author of " Dints to Mothers on the Manage- ment of their health."
The British Mechanic's and Labourer's Ifand-Rook, and true Guide to the United States ; with ample notices respecting various trades and professions. [Contains some plain, sensible, and hard-headed advice to mechanics emigrating to the United States, respecting the choice of a vessel, provisions fur the voyage, and the best plan to pursue on arriving in the conutry. It also furnishes a good deal of practical information respecting the different trades, and—that puzzling subject—the curreecy of the States, as well as a picture of the do- mestic economy of the lower class of people in its sketches of mechanic's board- ing-houses, eating-houses, &c.;
India Latina. A Guide to Latin for Beginners. By the Rev. J. EnwAnns, M. A., Second Master of King's College, Sic., and WIL- LIAM Citoss, of Trinity College, Cambridge.
[ A series of introductory lessons for exercising the pupil on the rules of con- cord and syntax. They are progressive, and adapted to the capacity of begin- ners, but are not distinguished by any remarkable felicity in the selection.]
_Discourses. By JOHN CAMERON.
The New General Biographical Dictionary, projected and partly arranged by the late Rev. Hums JAMES ROSE, RD., Prilleipal of King's College, London. Tudor Library. Illustrated British Classies—Spectator. Illustrated iii Aerography.
The Guide to Service The Shepherd.
The Seven Ages of Shalespere.
Ereni»g Sketches. By. A. E. Cii,..LON, J. J. CHA LON, JOSHUA CRISTALL, C. R. LESLIE, J. PARTRIDGE, C. STANFIELD, S. J. STUMP, T. UWINS. Lithographed by M. GAUCI and SONS.
[These two remarkable little publications will be noticed next week, under our bead of Fine Arts.]
Mademoiselle Cerito. A. DE VALENTINI. J. S. TEMPLETON, [The danscuse, looking as fascinating as miniature-painter can make her, is descending from the clouds, ready-dressed tin. the Ballet, its attitude to alight gracefully on one toe, her pink scarf serving the office of parachute.]
A Plan for the Improvement of the Port of London, in the year 1840. By
Iburth Report of the Directors of the South Australian Company, RS presented to the fourth annual general meeting, June 26th, 1840. Twentieth Annual Repwt qf the Direch».s of the Dundee Royal Asylum for Lunatics; submitted, in terms of their charter, to a General Meeting of Directors, 15th June 1840. The Non-Intrusion Question: Speeches on the Earl of Aberdeen's Bill, and the Strathbogie Case, delivered in the last General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, by the Rev. JAMES BRYCE, D.D.
Considerations on Foreign Enlistment.
On the Moral State and Political Union of Sweden and Norway, in
answer to Mr. S. Laing's Statement.
Diplomacy and Commerce. No. 111. I.—" The Despotic and Constitu- tional Principles." I.—" Conversation on the State of the Nation." 111.—" Commercial Relations of Naples with Russia and England." Bibbonism in Ireland: an authentic Report of the Trial of Richard Jones, convicted under 2 and 3 Victoria, chap. 74, at Dublin, com• mencing on the 27th June last. By MATTHEW JOSEPH MAIITYN, EST, Law Student. Together with an Appendix, coetaining the Letters and Correspondence of the Secret Society, read in c% idenee at the trial.
[It has become necessary to close the fist of acknowledgments of Publications received at our Office in Wellington Street, on Ow WEDNESDAY evenings: those sent later must wait their turn f, haj,eeUuuuu in the Plowing week.]