A mystery still envelops the insurrectionary movement in Bar- celona.
The first accounts of the extent of bloodshed in the tumult, have proved, as such reports usually prove, to have been much exaggerated. All that is positively known, however, is, that a few days after the Queen Regent arrived at Barcelona from Madrid, she was insulted by sonic of the populace while she rode out in her carriage. A conflict took place between the National Guard and the populace, who were soon dispersed. From this beginning the rioting extended to other quarters of the city, until ESPARTERO brought his troops to act against the insurgents, and succeeded in restoring quiet. He shortly afterwards issued a pro- clamation, in his own name, declaring Barcelona in. a state of siege. A change of Ministers had been effected, and some of the Queen's former advisers were obliged to fly from the fury of the mob. No satisfactory explanation is given why the Queen Regent should have gone to Barcelona at all, at such a crisis. Suspicion is enter- tained, that it was a plot of ESPARTEWS to get the Queen into his power. Is Spain now, after all her civil commotions, destined to undergo the ordeal of a military despotism ?