On Monday, an in'erest es.; " young woman applied to
Magistrates at :non Hill, to I, -11(.11111 dO: she was chuidestinely married to the son el a rstired tradesmen, no minor, in March last ; but iimaelliatedy tithes 01..0 marriage-ccremony, the father surprised them, and took his son am Oil its no gig. Sloe had supported her- self since the marriage by inantuatualiing. She had silly seen her hus- band twice since, for a moment ut a flint', US his ffither threatened to dis- inherit him if he lived with her. Mr. Jeremy said that the young man's friends could procure the marriage to be dismdt:cd. husband- less wife ,aid that she should prefer that proceedings of tffitt lied were adopted, rather than have a husband and yet be debarred from all the indulgences mid comforts of doe married stale. " It was very unfor- tunate for me," she added, " that I ever formed such an attachment." Mr. Jeremy advised her to tell her father-in-law so.
A man named I thadiall 'Whiting was taben to Bartholomew llospital, on Tuesday night, in a state of danger front several severe woutids in- flicted on him by his wife.
An inquest 10015 held out Thersday, in Shorediods on the body of Michael zSitIlivan. The deceased was taken to Worship Street Police- court on Tnesday, on a charge or aaSall It on Iris no who had some time since been compelled by Ids violence to separate with her children from him. Ile made tuff front the (7ourt Lefore the ease was heard, however ; and when Howland the constable went at night to take him again on a warrant, Ite justified naked out of the window, and again escaped ; but reffidered the place an hour or two afterwards with a razor, cut the veins of his arms, and also wounded himself in the throat. Ile died of the injuries shortly afterwards. Verdict—" Temporary insanity."
A casket of jewels was discovered by a Policeman on Friday night, behind a hedge in Honey Lane, Kensiegton. It was found to contain diamond, ruby, emerald, amethyst, end pearl rings and brooches, also several costly necklaces, negligees, Sec. It. is supposed to be the pro- duce of an extensive robbery ; and that the thieves while proceeding with their phinddr to some place of security, were alarmed, and secreted it to escape detection.