be 13 rob in tes.
Goodwood Races, this week, have attracted all the moving fashion- ables. The presence of the Duke and Dutchess de Nemours, who were on a visit with the Duke of Richmond, and attended the course on Wednesday and Thursday, added considerably to the i;e/a/ of the meet- ing. The Members' Plate, on Wednesday, was won by Captain Gar- dener's Brother to Enterprise, after three heats ; the Goodwood Stakes, by Mr. Aden's °retie ; the Queen's Plate, by Lord Eglinton's Interlude; the City Plate of 100/. was won by the Duke of Richmond's Mus. On Thursday, the grand day, the Molecomb Stakes were won by Captain Williamson's Decision ; the Goodwood Cup of 300/. by the Duke of Orleans's Beggarman ; and the Duke of Richmond's Plate of 100/. by the Duke of Bedford's f. by Augustus. For the Goodwood Cup the betting was 14 to 1 against Beggarman. It was a capital race ; and when it was announced that the Duke of Orleans was the winner, there was immense cheering on the course. Yesterday, the Goodwood Cup of 1839, value 3001., was won by Lord Egiinton's Potentate; the Steward's Cup of 3001., by Mr. Bowes's Epirus. 'I'he Duke of Rich- mond's Mus ran for both cups, and came in third for the Goodwood and second for the Stewards'.
The Duke of Richmond was presented, on Thursday last, with a magnificent piece of plate, valued at 400/., by the farmers and principal tenants on his Grace's estate in Sussex, " as a testimony of their sin- cere gratitude to a kind and liberal landlord, and of their high respect for his Grace's public and private virtues."
Arrangements have been made by Lord Segrave, with the Marquis of Normanby, to raise a troop of Yeomanry Cavalry, to be selected from among his Lordship's tenantry in the vale of Berkeley, and to be commanded by the Honourable Grantley Berkeley, ALP. for West Gloucestershire.—Bei.stol Gaze.tte.
• On Thursday, Mulgrave Castle. the seat of the Marquis of Normanby, became the scene of the most lively gayety and festivity, in conse- quence of the Earl of 3Iulgrave having on that day attained his ma- jority.