The Bristol Standard says—" We can state from the best
authority, that the line of railway will be opened from hence to bath in about three weeks from the present time. Otte locomotive is at present being tried on this part of the line ; and in the course of next week we under- stand four other engines will be placed on the rail for the same purpose."
From the rapid progress which is making on the Great North of England Railway, it is confidently expected that the line from. York to Darlington will be opened in October next.—Tyne Nereury.
In consequence of the competition on the road from Dover to Rams- gate, the fares are reduced by coach, twenty-three miles, to two shillings outside and three shillings inside passengers. The stages from Dover to Margate are running at half.priee, and by the omnibuses as low as threepence each passenger.—Durce Chronicle. The Great Western sailed from her moorings at Kingroad, on Satur- day afternoon, taking with her a very 1:tre number of letters and news- papers, with a full cargo of silks, copper, and manufactured goods, hops, &c., and ninety-eight passengers, among whom was Prince Jerome Bonaparte.
The Hants Independent states, that in future the British Queen will land and embark passengers at Southampton, instead of Portsmouth as at present : the railroad to London is the probable inducement for this change.