The Chartists of Birmingham lurid a public. procession and dinner
on Monday, to celebrate the release of Lovett and Collins from Warwick gaol. The whole passed off without any disturbance of the public Peace. Lovett was not present, but Collins addressed his "fellow- townsmen and fellow-slaves."
A numerous meeting was held at Birmingham on Saturday, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Birmingham Anti -Slavery Society. Sir Eardley Wilmot, Bart., took the chair, and addressed the meeting. At the period of their last meeting, be said, they had only approached the confines of the dominions of slavery : they had now entered into the heart of the country ; and he trusted they would never relinquish the object in view till they had secured the liberty of the Coloured race wherever they were held in bondage. It was the opinion of many of their opponents that the friends of Abolition were averse to free la- bour : there never was a greater misapprehension than this—free la- bour was the great stepping-stone to their ultimate success. Mr. J. Sturge, Mr. John Scoble, Mr. C. Shaw, and the Reverend Messrs. Mac- donald, Galuston, Winslow, and Knib, also addressed the meeting.
A rather serious disturbance occurred at Lancaster on Thursday, be- tween the people of the neighbeurhood and the new Rural Police. About four of the Police had been stationed on the race-ground on Wednesday, and were menacingly received by the crowd. On Thurs- day, a larger body, to the number of twenty-six, was placed on the ground. The ill-feeling increased, until the attempt of the Police to separate two men who were fighting, gave rise to an attack by the mob. The Police attacked in their turn, behaving, it is said, with much brutality ; and several harmless persons were injured. The Police retreated to the market-place, whither they were followed by the snob, as tranquillity was not restored until after a scene of great vio- lence and disorder; the windows of the Town-hall and of several houses being much broken.